4 Mobile App Development Trends To Rule The Future Revealed

· web development,mobile app

Technologies, like trends, come and go. Today’s most significant innovations may become obsolete in a few years. It is also the norm in web development, where the leading industry trends may no longer be considered useful after a while.  

Aside from website development, mobile app development practices in Singapore are also going through plenty of changes in recent years. The demand for the creation of mobile apps continues to increase. Its growing prominence allowed mobile app developers to come up with new modifications for better outputs.

Here are some of the trends that may emerge in mobile app development in Singapore in the coming years.  

Beacon Technology

For years, Beacon technology has taken advantage of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) signals to help connect businesses and enterprises with their customers. Industries like hospitality, healthcare, and museums invest in this technology to cater to their target customers. It also aims to propose revolutionary changes in the retail industry.

Beacon-powered mobile apps allow users to receive a notification on their device each time they get inside the Beacon’s zone. At the moment, major tech companies like Google and Apple use Beacon-powered apps like Eddystone and iBeacon. But it is not impossible to see more of it as part of the latest mobile app developments for Android and iOS devices.   

AI and ML Powered Apps  

Artificial intelligence has been making waves during the past decades. But the world can expect it to stay for a very long time. According to the experts, the value of the AI industry may reach over $2.9 trillion in 2021. It can improve the mobile apps for the healthcare and eCommerce industries. 

When AI is combined with machine learning (ML) capabilities, developers will develop valuable data and real-time analytics that can help businesses reach their full potential. Some of the highly-anticipated mobile app projects include voice and language translating apps, automated IT functions, and AI-enable chips.  

5G Wireless Technology

Another inevitable trend that is rapidly growing in mobile app creation is 5G wireless technology. It helps provide faster speed compared to apps powered by 4G. 

Technology industry leaders like Verizon and Samsung are working hard to produce 5G-capable chips. These products can help incorporate the fastest wireless technology in mobile devices. With these innovations, mobile apps for 3D gaming, AR, and data security will be faster than ever.    

AR/VR Technology

Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality (AR/VR) technology has been revolutionizing the world of gaming and entertainment apps recently. But experts believe that this groundbreaking technology will transcend to other sections in the long run. 

Retail giants like Sephora and IKEA are already incorporating AR technology in their brand’s mobile apps. It provides a top-notch user experience, thus boosting their conversion rates. AR/VR technology will also provide exceptional support to other industries like advanced apps for healthcare applications, manufacturing technologies, and marketing and advertising practices.  

These expert predictions proved that mobile app technologies get more advanced over time. With the introduction of new technologies, app developers will learn to unlock better opportunities that could lead to the creation of better applications.